
The BNF grammar of Lambdapi is in lambdapi.bnf.

Lambdapi files are formed of a list of commands. A command starts with a particular reserved keyword and ends with a semi-colon.

One-line comments are introduced by //:

// These words are ignored

Multi-line comments are opened with /* and closed with */. They can be nested.

/* These
   words are
   ignored /* these ones too */ */


Informs the type-checker that the current module depends on some other module, which must hence be compiled.

A required module can optionally be aliased, in which case it can be referred to with the provided name.

require std.bool;
require church.list as list;

Note that require always take as argument a qualified identifier. See Module system for more details.


Puts into scope the symbols of the previously required module given in argument. It can also be combined with the require command.

require std.bool;
open std.bool;
require open church.sums;

Note that open always take as argument a qualified identifier. See Module system for more details.


Allows to declare or define a symbol as follows:

modifiers symbol identifier parameters [: type] [ term] [begin proof end] ;

The identifier should not have already been used in the current module. It must be followed by a type or a definition (or both).

The following proof (if any) allows the user to solve typing and unification goals the system could not solve automatically. It can also be used to give a definition interactively (if no defining term is provided).

Without , this is just a symbol declaration. Note that, in this case, the following proof script does not provide a proof of type but help the system solve unification constraints it couldn’t solve automatically for checking the well-sortedness of type.

For defining a symbol or proving a theorem, which is the same thing, is mandatory. If no defining term is provided, then the following proof script must indeed include a proof of type. Note that symbol f:A t is equivalent to symbol f:A begin refine t end.


symbol N:TYPE;

// with no proof script
symbol add : N → N → N; // a type but no definition (axiom)
symbol double n ≔ add n n; // no type but a definition
symbol triple n : N ≔ add n (double n); // a type and a definition

// with a proof script (theorem or interactive definition)
symbol F : N → TYPE;
symbol idF n : F n → F n ≔
  assume n x; apply x;


Modifiers are keywords that precede a symbol declaration to provide the system with additional information on its properties and behavior.

  • Opacity modifier:

    • opaque: The symbol will never be reduced to its definition. This modifier is generally used for actual theorems.

  • Property modifiers (used by the unification engine or the conversion):

    • constant: No rule or definition can be given to the symbol

    • injective: The symbol can be considered as injective, that is, if f t1 .. tnf u1 .. un, then t1u1, …, tnun. For the moment, the verification is left to the user.

    • commutative: Adds in the conversion the equation f t u f u t.

    • associative: Adds in the conversion the equation f (f t u) v f t (f u v) (in conjonction with commutative only).

      For handling commutative and associative-commutative symbols, terms are systemically put in some canonical form following a technique described here.

      If a symbol f is commutative and not associative then, for every canonical term of the form f t u, we have t u, where is a total ordering on terms left unspecified.

      If a symbol f is associative left then there is no canonical term of the form f t (f u v) and thus every canonical term headed by f is of the form f (f (f t₁ t₂) t₃)   tₙ. If a symbol f is associative or associative right then there is no canonical term of the form f (f t u) v and thus every canonical term headed by f is of the form f t₁ (f t₂ (f t₃ tₙ) ). Moreover, in both cases, if f is also commutative then we have t₁ t₂ tₙ.

  • Exposition modifiers define how a symbol can be used outside the module where it is defined. By default, the symbol can be used without restriction.

    • private: The symbol cannot be used.

    • protected: The symbol can only be used in left-hand side of rewrite rules.

    Exposition modifiers obey the following rules: inside a module,

    • Private symbols cannot appear in the type of public symbols.

    • Private symbols cannot appear in the right-hand side of a rewriting rule defining a public symbol.

    • Externally defined protected symbols cannot appear at the head of a left-hand side.

    • Externally defined protected symbols cannot appear in the right hand side of a rewriting rule.

  • Matching strategy modifier:

    • sequential: modifies the pattern matching algorithm. By default, the order of rule declarations is not taken into account. This modifier tells Lambdapi to apply rules defining a sequential symbol in the order they have been declared (note that the order of the rules may depend on the order of the require commands). An example can be seen in tests/OK/rule_order.lp. WARNING: using this modifier can break important properties.


constant symbol Nat : TYPE;
constant symbol zero : Nat;
constant symbol succ (x:Nat) : Nat;
symbol add : Nat → Nat → Nat;
opaque symbol add0 n : add n 0 = n ≔ begin ... end; // theorem
injective symbol double n ≔ add n n;
constant symbol list : Nat → TYPE;
constant symbol nil : List zero;
constant symbol cons : Nat → Π n, List n → List(succ n);
private symbol aux : Π n, List n → Nat;

Implicit arguments: Some arguments can be declared as implicit by encloding them into square brackets []. Then, they must not be given by the user later. Implicit arguments are replaced by _ at parsing time, generating fresh metavariables. An argument declared as implicit can be explicitly given by enclosing it between square brackets [] though. If a function symbol is prefixed by @ then the implicit arguments mechanism is disabled and all the arguments must be explicitly given.

symbol eq [a:U] : T a → T a → Prop;
// The first argument of "eq" is declared as implicit and must not be given
// unless "eq" is prefixed by "@".
// Hence, "eq t u", "eq [_] t u" and "@eq _ t u" are all valid and equivalent.

Notations: Some notation can be declared for a symbol using the commands notation and builtin.


The notation command allows to change the behaviour of the parser.

When declared as notations, identifiers then must be used at correct places and as such cannot make valid terms on their own anymore. To reaccess the value of the identifier without the notation properties, wrap it in parentheses.

infix The following code defines infix symbols for addition and multiplication. Both are associative to the left, and they have priority levels 6 and 7 respectively.

notation + infix left 6;
notation × infix left 7;

The modifier infix, infix right and infix left can be used to specify whether the defined symbol is non-associative, associative to the right, or associative to the left. Priority levels are floating point numbers, hence a priority can (almost) always be inserted between two different levels.

As explained above, at this point, + is not a valid term anymore, as it was declared infix. The system now expects + to only appear in expressions of the form x + y To get around this, you can use (+) instead.

prefix The following code defines a prefix symbol for negation with some priority level.

notation ¬ prefix 5;


  • Prefix and infix operators share the same levels of priority, hence depending on the binding power, -x + z may be parsed (-x) + z or -(x + z).

  • Non-operator application (such as f x where f and x are not operators) has a higher binding power than operator application: let - be a prefix operator, then - f x is always parsed - (f x), no matter what the binding power of - is.

  • The functional arrow has a lower binding power than any operator, therefore for any prefix operator -, - A A is always parsed (- A) A

quantifier Allows to write `f x, t instead of f x, t):

symbol ∀ {a} : (T a → Prop) → Prop;
notation ∀ quantifier;
compute λ p, ∀ (λ x:T a, p); // prints `∀ x, p
type λ p, `∀ x, p; // quantifiers can be written as such
type λ p, `f x, p; // works as well if f is any symbol


The command builtin allows to map a “builtin“ string to a user-defined symbol identifier. Those mappings are necessary for other commands or tactics. For instance, to use decimal numbers, one needs to map the builtins “0“ and “+1“ to some symbol identifiers for zero and the successor function (see hereafter); to use tactics on equality, one needs to define some specific builtins; etc.

notation for natural numbers It is possible to use the standard decimal notation for natural numbers by defining the builtins "0" and "+1" as follows:

builtin "0"  ≔ zero; // : N
builtin "+1" ≔ succ; // : N → N
type 42;


The command opaque allows to set opaque (see Opacity modifier) a previously defined symbol.

symbol πᶜ p ≔ π (¬ ¬ p); // interpretation of classical propositions as types
opaque πᶜ;


Rewriting rules for definable symbols are declared using the rule command.

rule add zero      $n ↪ $n;
rule add (succ $n) $m ↪ succ (add $n $m);
rule mul zero      _  ↪ zero;

Identifiers prefixed by $ are pattern variables.

User-defined rules are assumed to form a confluent (the order of rule applications is not important) and terminating (there is no infinite rewrite sequences) rewriting system when combined with β-reduction.

The verification is left to the user, who can call external provers for trying to check those properties automatically using the command line options --confluence and --termination.

Lambdapi will however try to check at each rule command that the added rules preserve local confluence, by checking the joinability of critical pairs between the added rules and the rules already added in the signature (critical pairs involving AC symbols or non-nullary pattern variables are currently not checked). A warning is output if Lambdapi finds a non-joinable critical pair. To avoid such a warning, it may be useful to declare several rules in the same rule command by using the keyword with:

rule add zero      $n ↪ $n
with add (succ $n) $m ↪ succ (add $n $m);

Rules must also preserve typing (subject-reduction property), that is, if an instance of a left-hand side has some type, then the corresponding instance of the right-hand side should have the same type. Lambdapi implements an algorithm trying to check this property automatically, and will not accept a rule if it does not pass this test.

Higher-order pattern-matching. Lambdapi allows higher-order pattern-matching on patterns à la Miller but modulo β-equivalence only (and not βη).

rule diff (λx, sin $F.[x]) ↪ λx, diff (λx, $F.[x]) x × cos $F.[x];

Patterns can contain abstractions λx, _ and the user may attach an environment made of distinct bound variables to a pattern variable to indicate which bound variable can occur in the matched term. The environment is a semicolon-separated list of variables enclosed in square brackets preceded by a dot: .[x;y;...]. For instance, a term of the form λx y,t matches the pattern λx y,$F.[x] only if y does not freely occur in t.

rule lam (λx, app $F.[] x) ↪ $F; // η-reduction

Hence, the rule lam (λx, app $F.[] x) $F implements η-reduction since no valid instance of $F can contain x.

Pattern variables cannot appear at the head of an application: $F.[] x is not allowed. The converse x $F.[] is allowed.

A pattern variable $P.[] can be shortened to $P when there is no ambiguity, i.e. when the variable is not under a binder (unlike in the rule η above).

It is possible to define an unnamed pattern variable with the syntax $_.[x;y].

The unnamed pattern variable _ is always the most general: if x and y are the only variables in scope, then _ is equivalent to $_.[x;y].

In rule left-hand sides, λ-expressions cannot have type annotations.

Important. In contrast to languages like OCaml, Coq, Agda, etc. rule left-hand sides can contain defined symbols:

rule add (add x y) z ↪ add x (add y z);

They can overlap:

rule add zero x ↪ x
with add x zero ↪ x;

And they can be non-linear:

rule minus x x ↪ zero;

Other examples of patterns are available in patterns.lp.


The unification engine can be guided using unification rules. Given a unification problem t u, if the engine cannot find a solution, it will try to match the pattern t u against the defined rules (modulo commutativity of ≡) and rewrite the problem to the right-hand side of the matched rule. Variables of the RHS that do not appear in the LHS are replaced by fresh metavariables on rule application.


unif_rule Bool ≡ T $t ↪ [ $t ≡ bool ];
unif_rule $x + $y ≡ 0 ↪ [ $x ≡ 0; $y ≡ 0 ];
unif_rule $a → $b ≡ T $c ↪ [ $a ≡ T $a'; $b ≡ T $b'; $c ≡ arrow $a' $b' ];

Thanks to the first unification rule, a problem T ?x Bool is transformed into ?x bool.

WARNING This feature is experimental and there is no sanity check performed on the rules.


Lambdapi can be instructed to insert function applications into terms whenever needed for typability. These functions are called coercions. For instance, assuming we have a type Float, a type Int and a function FloatOfInt : Int Float, the latter function can be declared as a coercion from integers to floats with the declaration

coerce_rule coerce Int Float $x ↪ FloatOfInt $x;

Symbol coerce is a built-in function symbol that computes the coercion. Whenever a term t of type Int is found when Lambadpi expected a Float, t will be replaced by coerce Int Float t and reduced. The declared coercion will allow the latter term to be reduced to FloatOfInt t.

Coercions can call the function coerce recursively, which allows to write, e.g.

coerce_rule coerce (List $a) (List $b) $l ↪ map (λ e: El $a, coerce $a $b e) $l;

where Set: TYPE;, List : Set TYPE, El : Set TYPE and map is the usual map operator on lists such that map f (cons x l) cons (f x) (map l).

WARNING Coercions are still experimental and may not mix well with metavariables. Indeed, the term coerce ?1 Float t will not reduce to FloatOfInt t even if the equation ?1 Int has been registered during typing. Furthermore, for the moment, it is unsafe to have symbols that can be reduced to protected symbols in the right-hand side of coercions: reduction may occur during coercion elaboration, which may generate unsound protected symbols.


The commands symbol and rules above are enough to define inductive types, their constructors, their induction principles/recursors and their defining rules.

We however provide a command inductive for automatically generating the induction principles and their rules from an inductive type definition, assuming that the following builtins are defined:

builtin "Prop" ≔ ...; // : TYPE, for the type of propositions
builtin "P"    ≔ ...; // : Prop → TYPE, interpretation of propositions as types

An inductive type can have 0 or more constructors.

The name of the induction principle is ind_ followed by the name of the type.

The command currently supports parametrized mutually defined dependent strictly-positive data types only. As usual, polymorphic types can be encoded by defining a type Set and a function τ:Set TYPE.


inductive ℕ : TYPE ≔
| zero: ℕ
| succ: ℕ → ℕ;

is equivalent to:

constant symbol ℕ : TYPE;
constant symbol zero : ℕ;
constant symbol succ : ℕ → ℕ;
symbol ind_ℕ p : π(p zero) → (Π x, π(p x) → π(p(succ x))) → Π x, π(p x);
rule ind_ℕ _ $pz _ zero ↪ $pz
with ind_ℕ $p $pz $ps (succ $n) ↪ $ps $n (ind_ℕ $p $pz $ps $n);

For mutually defined inductive types, one needs to use the with keyword to link all inductive types together.

Inductive definitions can also be parametrized as follows:

(a:Set) inductive T: TYPE ≔
| node: τ a → F a → T a
with F: TYPE ≔
| nilF: F a
| consF: T a → F a → F a;

Note that parameters are set as implicit in the types of constructors. So, one has to write consF t l or @consF a t l.

For mutually defined inductive types, an induction principle is generated for each inductive type:

assert ⊢ ind_F: Π a, Π p:T a → Prop, Π q:F a → Prop,
  (Π x l, π(q l) → π(p (node x l))) →
  π(q nilF) →
  (Π t, π(p t) → Π l, π(q l) → π(q (consF t l))) →
  Π l, π(q l);
assert ⊢ ind_T: Π a, Π p:T a → Prop, Π q:F a → Prop,
  (Π x, Π l, π(q l) → π(p (node x l))) →
  π(q nilF) →
  (Π t, π(p t) → Π l, π(q l) → π(q (consF t l))) →
  Π t, π(p t);

Finaly, here is an example of strictly-positive inductive type:

inductive 𝕆:TYPE ≔ z:𝕆 | s:𝕆 → 𝕆 | l:(ℕ → 𝕆) → 𝕆;

assert ⊢ ind_𝕆: Π p, π (p z) → (Π x, π (p x) → π (p (s x)))
  → (Π x, (Π y, π (p (x y))) → π (p (l x))) → Π x, π (p x);

assert p a b c ⊢ ind_𝕆 p a b c z ≡ a;
assert p a b c x ⊢ ind_𝕆 p a b c (s x) ≡ b x (ind_𝕆 p a b c x);
assert p a b c x y ⊢ ind_𝕆 p a b c (l x) ≡ c x (λ y, ind_𝕆 p a b c (x y));